Although the constitution of Nepal is progressive in terms of citizenship issues it does not guarantee equality. Even after five years of the promulgation of the constitution, necessary amendments have yet to be made to Citizenship Act-2006, as per the provisions of the constitution. This issue of no citizenship has made the life of female survivors of commercial sexual exploitation including trafficking more severe leading to massive victimization of the already victimized. The country denies justice to them and are now even denied basic health facilities during COVID 19 because a citizenship certificate is mandatory in Nepal to claim needful Government based facilities. During the pandemic survivors are on the verge of leaving their home country in an illegal manner simply to seek shelter and receive needful health-care which they have been restricted in their own country.
The project aims to bring needful reforms in the implementation of already existing citizenship based provisions in the Constitution exclusive of any rigid gender disparities, vulnerability and unnecessarily required evidence to gain the document and seek justice and claim basic health based facilities by the weak. The project follows a unique work modality of bringing female survivors of commercial sexual exploitation including trafficking who do not have citizenship even after being born in Nepal to the fore-front and seek needful response and action from the Government based duty bearers from the central level and gain commitment with due time allocated so that the survivors with health issues can get immediate facilities.