Some facts regarding Gender Based Violence 2023
- Women and girls in Nepal face multiple burdens of violence – physical, sexual, emotional, and structural with digital (Social Media).
- Women also face discrimination and suffer stigma, shame, and social isolation if they seek care and support for the violence they suffer.
- 61 percent of Nepalese women victims forced to hide their problem of violence
- The highest percentage of women and girls experiencing GBV was in the 19-25 age group at 28.31 percent, followed by 14.24 percent in the 26-35 age group.
- Rapes and sexual exploitation are alarmingly on the rise. Nepalese women and girls from 11 to 25 years old are at high risk of trafficking.
- Traffickers continue to target young, uneducated individuals from traditionally marginalized castes and ethnic minority communities with limited economic opportunities, and then lure victims with promises of work or education.
- Observers report GBV, caste-based discrimination, child sexual abuse, and the absence of economic opportunities increase the vulnerability of many Nepalese, particularly women and girls, to trafficking.
- Traffickers target unregistered migrant workers, including the large number of young Nepalese women who transit India, or men and women who rely on unregistered recruitment agents.
- Traffickers reportedly take advantage of more relaxed pre-departure screenings at Kolkata and Chennai airports, or bribe Indian officials in New Delhi and Mumbai, to fly Nepalese migrant workers to third countries without proper documentation, which increases the workers’ vulnerability to trafficking.